Workplace Wellness
With Essential Oils
Many of my clients, friends and family, have shared some of the inconveniences of working in an office. Sharing your space in close proximity to others on a daily basis, could present some uncomfortable situations at times I would imagine.
It is challenging to be productive, energetic, and sometimes even pleasant, if one is suffering from a headache, stomach ache, bad breath, body odor, others body odor, PMS, neck and shoulder tension, or the creepy, rude, and sarcastic co-worker who brings in the negativity.
What if you could have your own personal remedies for all of the above, right at your desk?
Great news! You CAN! I would like to share a few tips on how you can incorporate essential oils into your lifestyle whether it be at work, or…at home.
I have many resources on my website explaining Essential Oil use and why it is important to only use the purest quality and highest therapeutic grade oils available. You can read more about that here!
To avoid overwhelming you, I will give you just a few of my favorite versatile oils that can be used to help control many symptoms.
(I carry these oils with me everywhere and have been the “go to” gal in so many circumstances! Ballgames, dinner with friends, on-site corporate wellness jobs when I need to freshen up, all day seminars when I need to focus, caught out in nature without my bug spray (make my own with essential oils btw….), and when I’m going to be spending time with people who are Debbie Downers;)
Peppermint Essential Oil
Common uses of Peppermint Essential Oil
- Alertness – Great oil for after lunch when you need a little pick me up! Just open the bottle and smell!
- Helpful in reducing pain – headaches, shoulders, neck, and muscle tightness caused by tension and stress!
- G.I. distress – Indigestion, abdominal cramps, gas, constipation, nausea and diarrhea.
- Body Temperature. Has been helpful in reducing fevers and cooling for skin… flashes.
( I fill small glass spray bottles (2 oz) with peppermint or thieves essential oil, mixed with distilled water, and use as a deodorant, breath spray, air freshener, and hand sanitizer!)
Learn more about Peppermint Essential Oil and how to order here!
Lavender Essential Oil
Common uses of Lavender Essential Oil
- Calming oil that has been useful for reducing stress and anxiety (creepy rude co-worker is less bothersome;)
- Allergies, itching, and skin irritations
- May also be helpful for headaches
- Beneficial in reducing odor due to its antimicrobial properties
Lavender is a universal oil that has been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is need.
Learn more about lavender oil and how to purchase it here!
Thieves Essential Oil
The highly antiviral and antiseptic properties of thieves, help protect the body fromthe onset of the flu, colds, and other viruses. I ALWAYS keep thieves around! This potent blend can be used for so many purposes including bad breath, odors and as a hand sanitizer.
It is important to educate yourself on proper use of the oils prior to using. Many of the oils should be diluted with a carrier oil to reduce the potency and possible skin sensitivity!
For more information on how to use essential oils, please visit the Young Living website here!
Young Living Essential Oil Company has many safe and healthy products that can be integrated into your life at home, and….in the workplace.
Additional Resources/Research and article links
Check out Pinterest for dozens of tips and DIY products with essential oils
Order Young Living Essential Oils
To a Healthier and Happier you! At home and the workplace!
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